Reindeer Yoga – Wellness Amongst the Antlered

This is surely Finland’s most incredible yoga studio: acres of snow, a fence lined by the forest, the winter sky as the roof, and the participants… a herd of reindeer. Before stepping into the enclosure, that is, the studio, we are given yoga mats, which are actually reindeer hides, and we hear instructions on how to be considerate of our training partners.

The reindeer are accustomed to the presence of humans, and they pose no danger to us human yogis. The antlered participants are allowed to join in the body care moment in whatever way suits them best. The same instruction is given to us humans. Movements can be performed by listening to one’s own body and well-being, and if one feels like just lying down and watching the reindeer, that is perfectly allowed.

What is this all about?

In reindeer yoga, one literally spends an hour amidst reindeer, practicing yoga. The yoga session is timed to coincide with the reindeer’s morning feeding time, when they are accustomed to expecting human company in the enclosure anyway. As the reindeer feed, human participants are guided into various body maintenance positions. Familiar yoga poses have been renamed to better suit the reindeer enclosure, and inspiration can be drawn from watching the antlered creatures moving around.

During the yoga session, the reindeer move freely around the humans, doing whatever they wish at the moment. The most challenging part of the experience comes at the beginning of the session when the instructor advises closing one’s eyes and relaxing. Meanwhile, dozens of reindeer are moving around, and the clicking sound from their ankles sometimes gets closer and sometimes farther away. It feels a bit nervous and the unusual direction of the sound can make one jump. Later in the session, and especially towards the end, the same clicking sound becomes quite meditative and soothing.

Reindeer yoga can be experienced year-round, subject to the conditions of the reindeer and nature. The temperature can vary from -20 degrees Celsius in the winter to the warmth of midsummer, sometimes it’s windy, sometimes foggy, sometimes the sun shines brightly in the sky. A raven flies over our yoga studio.

The maximum number of reindeer participants in the yoga studio is during midwinter. Even in summer, there are reindeer present, although most of the herd roams freely in the mountains then. The young reindeer are the most curious about human participants, walking right by and parking wherever they happen to. The reindeer don’t mind our furry yoga mats. At the end of the session, there’s a relaxation period during which one can sit or lie down. You can watch the sky, the surrounding forest, or the reindeer scratching the ground. Some reindeer take their post-breakfast naps and also settle down on the ground.

Practicing yoga with reindeer is a surprisingly relaxing experience. Spending a couple of hours outside in the company of these gentle animals is a very enjoyable, easy, and experiential way to start the day. The sense of time disappears completely, and at the end of the hour, there seems to be no rush to go anywhere. And the reindeer are satisfied too.

Be prepared:

  • Weather-appropriate, movement-enabling clothes.
  • Warm clothing in winter.
  • Insect repellent in summer.

This post is also available in: German

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