Tag Archive for: bucket list

What to do in Finland in Autumn? Here is a Wonderful 10-Item Bucket List for You!

Welcome to Finland – a country where you can breathe the cleanest air in the world and where nature is just a few steps away, even in the heart of the capital city, Helsinki. In this article, we present ten autumnal experiences that will give you an unforgettable experience in Finland. These are experiences that […]

A Guide for Nature Enthusiasts: 10+1 Must-Try Experiences for Exploring Finnish Nature

Finland’s breathtaking natural beauty comes to life in the autumn season. If you’re a nature lover and eager to experience the Finnish wilderness while adhering to everyone’s rights, here’s a list of must-do activities and sights to behold. Hiking and Walking Trails Explore the extensive network of hiking trails that wind through Finland’s forests, national […]